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Prayer: Hunger for your Holy Spirit

By March 24, 2014One Comment

Lord I hunger for change and for your holy spirit to be revealed in a deeper way to all mankind. Sometimes I am astounded by how oblivious humanity is.

Are we so stupid or too stubborn to see how empowering your spirit is? Is it a power struggle? Is it the nature of being independent and self-reliant? Is it the greed for human comfort? Or is it the fear of letting go and putting our assurance in faith?

I am mystified that a human desire to be more intimate with you exists and yet we keep you at arm’s length contained in a box that we open periodically.

God, thank you for allowing me to experience your unconditional grace. There has been so many times where you came to my rescue, open the doors and answered my heart’s desire.

As a person with a disability I have learned to depend on you for the smallest things, to accept my circumstances and allow you to help me thrive beyond my ability. I wish that more people could see how magnificent you are in everyday life; how you care over the smallest details.

Your love is immaculate; your spirit gives delicate radiance to life. This is reflected in your sons’ story and is the cornerstone to our holy heritage and to the legacy that we pass on.

For this season of lent I pray that as we fully embrace your spirit, we become less prideful in our human strengths and relish in the awesomeness of your spirit.



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