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Let us value lent

By February 12, 20169 Comments


This past Wednesday was the first day of lent. 

Just out of curiosity I searched both Facebook and Twitter to check how many posts there were about lent.  I was a bit disheartened to see there were very few.  Although lent is a very personal journey, the practice of this sacred tradition should be more acknowledged and encouraged.  It’s so easy to be complacent, nonchalant; another year, another lent, but when we do that we rob ourselves, our families and our church communities from fully receiving God’s inheritance.

As Christ followers we embark on a journey that requires us to be reflective, humble, vulnerable and open to the Holy Spirit.  Lent is a conscientious  journey that makes space for God; a journey full of lament and wonderment, reflection and rejuvenation.  It’s a time of examination, to really listen to God and let Him take you to different places you might not otherwise go and allow you to see Him in an enriched way.

I love lent because it’s spirit led and I look forward to it every year.  As Christians we need to really appreciate our holy heritage and uphold the traditions and practices of remembrance because they reignite the call for spiritual maturity and a deeper intimacy with the Lord. 

“Even now,” declares the Lord“return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.”  Rend your heart and not your garments.  Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.

Joel 2:12-13

 Dear Father in Heaven,

Today I stand quietly with my hands facing forward, my eyes open, gazing with anticipation.  My mind is calm and decluttered. My heart is full of love, desiring to see you in a new way, to enjoy your presence.  My feet are ready to step on the path and follow where you lead.  

I bring to you all my frailties and inadequacies, my stubbornness and any preconceptions that have hindered my sight and listening.  Lord, I am committed to be more conscious of your spirit in and around me.  I look forward to reminiscing on our holy heritage.  

May you reveal new insight to your son’s story that will resonate with my soul and refresh my mind.  May you whisper words of wisdom that will enhance my knowledge and quench my thirst.  May my hands be continually open as a symbolic gesture that I am ready to follow you, to take your hand wherever you lead.  

Lord let your spirit shine to others so that they will gravitate towards your holy grace and abounding love.  I pray this for all my brothers and sisters in Christ.  May we all strive to let your holiness be the light unto our feet and the steering wheel that drives us.



  • Ginny Jaques says:

    Thanks, Albe Soul. You are an inspiration, as always.

  • Donna Bromley says:

    Lucy, what a beautiful reminder of the invitation Jesus is continually offering us to follow Him into new places of His heart. I especially feel like, in this season of such global suffering, He is looking for friends to “watch and pray” with Him… just to be His friends who will be with Him,and by sharing in the fellowship of His suffering, bring comfort to His beautiful heart. Bless you, dear Able Soul!

    • Lucy says:

      I always appreciate your comments. They are so refreshing and insightful, giving me another ray of wisdom. Your encouragement motivates me to go deeper and to think more outside the box.

  • Donaleen Saul says:

    Lovely and powerful message, Lucy. A beautiful reminder. I wonder if the title, “Let Us Value Lent” would be more of an invitation?

  • malcolm mCkenzie says:

    Dear lucy< as I was out walking this morning ,I pray as I walk the greater of my prayers are to thank or father for all he has done for me,and asking for some direction, some way to repay him for the bounty of gifts he has bestowed upon me!As a
    one of his multitude of children I await for him to call on me happly.

  • Bonita Grace Dirk says:

    Hi Lucy,
    Thanks for this.
    Eastern lent just started last week and yesterday I watched a video from a Coptic priest about things to do in lent. The Coptic church fasts something like 220 days in the year, more than any other church except Ethiopia!
    He encouraged everyone to read Matt 5,6,7 and make a list of our sins or shortcomings, prioritize them, and see lent as a time of treatment for our spiritual sicknesses or maladies.

    He also encouraged his congregation to act as if it was their last lent. His talk was very challenging to me and I am encouraged to hope and pray for change in my life through this lent.

    Thank you also for your encouragement!

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