On Sunday I attended the service at Capilano Christian Community Church. Over a year ago the church relocated to a school in West Vancouver. Unfortunately you can only get there by car as there is no access to public transit near the school on Sundays.
I could have gotten a ride but since it’s a busy time for people, I decided to take a taxi so I could use my power chair. I wanted the freedom to move around, visit with others and not depend on someone to push me around in my manual chair. It was a great service and nice to reconnect and rekindle.
After the service I waited outside for the taxi to arrive and bring me home. It never came. I was getting concerned as more people left and I didn’t have a cell phone. I had a feeling that something went wrong with the taxi.
I was contemplating what to do next as the school is in an isolated area and isn’t close to any neighborhoods. My stomach was turning and I felt a sense of powerlessness as I was preparing myself for the possibility that I might have to go down to the highway.
But by the grace of God, Scott the pastor, came out of the back door and up the walkway. I think he was my early Christmas present. He called the taxi company and apparently it had come to the lower parking lot and picked up another person. I’m not sure if that was completely true.
Scott was kind enough to wait with me until the cab came. I kept telling him how grateful I was that he came by. He too was grateful. Taking a quote from Star Trek, “Beam me up, Scotty”. I believe that God used Scott to beam me up. We both agreed that it was divine intervention and that God is so good!
It was a gift to be there and be able to care for you Lucy. Honestly. thanks for encouraging me in all the ways you did – your words, questions, and prayers mean a heap to me. And i was thankful to finally have a chance to talk with you in the space where i could hear you well. grace to you.